We are proud of our school uniform and children always look smart. Please do not add fashion accessories such as multi coloured tights or elaborate hair adornments.
Our school uniform consists of the following:
Girls’ Uniform:
- Grey skirt, trousers or pinafore
- Pale blue polo shirt
- Maroon sweatshirt or cardigan
- Plain tights/socks
- Black school shoes
- Blue/white or red/white school dress (Summer)
Boy’s Uniform:
- Grey trousers
- Pale blue polo shirt
- Maroon sweatshirt or jumper
- Black school shoes
PE Kit:
- Maroon/ Dark shorts
- White T-shirt
- Plimsolls
- Track suit /Trainers for outside use only
Fleeces and Coats are also available. All uniform can be ordered through the forms on the school website or through the school office. Orders are requested to be sent in on Fridays. We ask you to ensure your child’s uniform is marked with their name and to check this regularly. Much time is spent searching for ‘lost’ uniform.
The wearing of jewellery is discouraged for safety reasons. Only studs may be worn for recently pierced ears. Hairstyles should be smart – long hair must be tied up, no shaven heads, “tramlines” or “rat’s tails”.
How To Order
All uniform is ordered through Elizabeth’s Embroidery.
Details can be found in the poster below.